Our Sweet Baby

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Back up 2 days! 8 weeks and 4 days!

Sooo I went to the doctor on Wednesday for my first (doctor's) ultrasound! It was so exciting. My baby measured at 1.6cm.  We got to see my adorable little peanut, his/her heartbeat, and HEAR the heartbeat! That was soooo exciting! We did find out that how far along I am is 2 days less than what I thought (no big though!) Jeremy did not get to come (see below), but my sister and my friend Chasity got to come! It was so cool getting to see my baby on the big tv screen and watch it's little heartbeat. Here's my little toot!

You can kinda see a face turned to the side in this one. :)

 I wish Jeremy could have come, but his mean ol' boss wouldn't let him. However, he got a new job this week! On Wednesday he will be starting at Peabody High School as the new World Geography/ Junior High PE teacher! Yay! I'm so so so excited! This means that we will now have the money to live a little more comfortably and be able to afford baby! :)

Today is my brother clint's bday so I thought I'd share some old pictures of him. He turned 31 today. This is him when he was more like 8ish. :) I'm the cute little baby he's sliding with! :)

So, speaking of baby pictures of me, I was in Merryville this past week, and decided to do a little baby mama research. ;) This is what I looked like as a baby!

Newborn me!
1ish- Jeremy says I looked like a little boy. boo on him! lol

3ish :)

and Finally, Me at 8 Weeks!

So, I start back to school basically tomorrow (kids come Friday), and I'm a tad overwhelmed.  I think I have it all together though.  I just hope I can reach the kids- and teach them everything they need to know, before I have to leave school for maternity leave or bed-rest (whichever comes first). 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

OMG. Nausea, Go Away!

So I'm officialy 7 weeks and 6 days.  I was going to wait till tomorrow to blog, but I'm at home alone, watching pretty little liars, and fighting throwing up-- for the third time today.  No one can possibly explain how bad nausea is.  I do not have "morning sickness." I wake up sick and I go to bed sick.  I can eat very few limited selections, which narrowed down even more today.  I wish my husband was at home, and not working, so I could get him to go get me some McDonald's chicken nuggets.  I seemed to tolerate them okay yesterday.  I'm not sure how well I would today.  This may be a bit too much information, but I'm going insane.  I just wish there was a set date as to when this was suppose to end, to know when I'd get some relief.  I purchased 3 bags of Gin Gin candy.

This stuff is suppose to work as some kind of miracle cure for nausea.  Here's hoping. 

So since I am only technically hours from being 8 weeks along, I am going to go ahead and post my weekly survey.

How far along? 8 Weeks (- 4 hours)

Total weight gain/loss: Well I had gained 2 but now I'm back down to 120... Thanks Nausea.  I appreciate it. *sarcasm*

Sleep: I've still been sleeping well.
Interesting Dreams: hmmm none this week

Best moment this week: 
Discovering that Gingerale will quiet my nausea... Here's hoping the Ginger Candy will too. :)

Movement: n/a

Symptoms: Nausea. OMG the nausea.  It has taken over my life.
I've been tired as well, but mainly NAUSEA. ugh. :(

 Food cravings: Nothing. I don't crave food. I tolerate food. I can go for some Gingerale though. ;)

Food aversions: Everything. lol 
Gender: my prediction today is a girl.  But we'll see!
Labor Signs: n/a

Belly Button in/ out: in
What I miss: Eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, without having to think twice about it.

What I am looking forward to: Nausea going away!

Weekly Wisdom: Eat crackers before you ever lift your head (Thanks Aunt Allison!) and drink Gingerale.  Don't be afraid to ask for help. 
Milestones: ummm Some things say my baby is now a fetus, instead of an embryo. :)

Also, I need this for my baby.

I do feel this is appropriate for babies born from mommy's with uterine didelphys. ;)

and this. :)
BC it's appropriate for baby's with a teacher for a mommy. :)

I will take my first prego picture on Wednesday when we go for our first ultrasound appointment with our doc. :)