Our Sweet Baby

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

7 Weeks 1 Day

Well I wanted to take a pic of my pretty much nonexistent belly, but I'll do it tomorrow. Or maybe for 8 weeks.  However, I do need to do my weekly survey. :)

How far along? 7 Weeks 1 Day

Total weight gain/loss: + 2 pounds

Sleep: All the time.  I slept most of the day yesterday.  School starts in 2 weeks.  That should be interesting.
Interesting Dreams: I added this one this week, because I've had loads of crazy dreams.  A couple of nights ago I dreamed my husband painted our kitchen baby pink... hmmm.  I decided not to read too much into that. lol ;)

Best moment this week:  Going to Shreveport with my sister to see my niece and her daddy and mommy. She's 1 and just precious. andddddd buying a few new dresses.

Movement: Other than the food coming back up? ;) lol

Symptoms: FATIGUE! Food aversions. About 3 days ago the nausea hit.  I've only puked like twice, but the nausea stays pretty constant.  My boobies are still sore. 

 Food cravings:
I craveee Orange Fanta, Subway Salads, and I have been craving all kinds of healthy stuff.  Veggies, fruits, etc.  Which is exciting. Should keep me away from all that bad stuff I ate before baby. ;)

Food aversions: A LOT.  Very little has seemed very appealing lately.  I have been able to eat a little more sweet stuff, but stuff like candy  is totally OUT.
Gender: my prediction today is a girl.  But we'll see!
Labor Signs: n/a

Belly Button in/ out: in
What I miss: Queso from El Parian. and basically just not having to worry about what I eat.  I miss not being exhausted to.

What I am looking forward to: Being through with the first trimester.  

Weekly Wisdom: Just take everything as your body lets you.  Your body is programmed for this after all.  Eat when you are hungry, and sleep when you are tired.
Milestones: hmm According to my pregnancy ap, my baby is now the size of a raspberry. :)  In no time at all it will be a whole inch from head to tiny little rump. :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

6 Weeks 5 Days :)

Well I've had quite a few interesting things happen here lately.  Let's start with the my new car!!! My old car had not been running for the past week, and it was going to cost $1500 to fix. I refused to spend that much on a ten year old car.  So, I decided to drive up to the Mazda to look, and came home with the car I've wanted since I was 17.  2012 Mazda 3. :)

This is what I looked like the day I bought my car... or atleast my belly. :) It's totally just bloating, but I stay bloated.

I was so proud of myself! I didn't even have to have my dad or husband cosign.  I bought it all on my own credit, at the monthly rate I wanted, with a 1.9% interest rate. :)  It drives wonderfully, and it makes me feel a lot better for when the baby comes.  I have peace of mind that my baby and I will not have to worry about something going wrong with my car, and if it does not being able to afford to fix it.

This is a cute bulletin board that a fellow teacher and I created for our hall. We are going to add hands with yearly goals when school starts.

Now on baby news.  I have finally reached the stage of nausea AND vomiting.  Only once a day.  Right after I wake up.  No fun! But I was secretly happy, because it's all part of the experience.  I may eat those words later, but for now I will try not to complain, because it just means my baby is growing inside me. :)  

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Who Loves Orange Soda? :)

Hiya Peoples. :)

Not too much on the pregnancy front today.  My chest pain and back pain have finally let up.  So I thought I'd do this post a little different.  However, let me first state, that ONCE AGAIN today I was locked out of my apartment today for 100 degree weather for an hour.  They FINALLY changed my lock, however I got locked out AFTER the lock was changed.  Apparently the other side (where the little hole is) is what was crooked.  They fixed that.  I got a copy of my lease, and their is literally a clause in there that states, "Tenant must pay rent even if we do not uphold our end of the lease." SERIOUSLY? I will never again sign ANYTHING that signs my money away for a year without reading every word of it. Lesson learned.

Pregnancy Survey!

How far along? 6 Weeks 1 Day

Total weight gain/loss: + 2 pounds

Sleep: If you count starting at 6 weeks it hasn't been a problem at all. :) I sleep soundly. I sleep at any minute I can.  I took a 2 hour nap this evening.  

Best moment this week: hmm hitting six 6 weeks. and buying my three Fanta from downstairs. :)

Movement: too early

Symptoms: FATIGUE! Food aversions, but no nausea (yet!)  A little heartburn. My boobies ache! and of course I pee ALL the time.

 Food cravings:
I craveee Orange Fanta, Subway Salads, and Pickles.  I think I'm partial to sour tasting things. lol :)
Food aversions: Sweet stuff.  Chocolate. blugh.
Gender: I won't know this for a while. Some days I want a boy. Some days I want a girl.  

Labor Signs: n/a

Belly Button in/ out: in
What I miss: Queso from El Parian. and basically just not having to worry about what I eat.  I miss not being exhausted to.

What I am looking forward to: Being through with the first trimester.  

Weekly Wisdom: Stay away from boards. Sure they have happy stories.  But all it takes is one horror story to throw you over the edge of worry to the ocean of panic.

Milestones: My baby's beautiful lips and eyes are forming. :)  I don't fit in my clothes anymore. (partly because I gained 5 pounds before I ever got pregnant though ;) ) 
And just because I finally figured out how to add photos from my phone on here:  Here are a couple other cute pregnancy pics.                            

                                  I took this one first!  Was in complete shock, but sooo excited! :) :)
                              After a few days my friends made me paranoid, so I took 3 more! lol :)

                                                                        5 1/2 Weeks!

My attempt at a belly shot the day of my first visit. 5 Weeks and 2 days. :)

My sleepy Lily. :) 

                                    The outfit I found with a picture of Lily on it. lol I didn't buy it.

My Chewie hiding in the Ramen box after being caught digging in the trashcan.

                                                    My baby daddy and his Chewie. ;)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Heartburn, Gas Pains, and God :)

      So today I woke up with awful pain all down the left side of my body, and an acid feeling in my stomach.  Because I also have tachycardia and mitralvalve prolapse the chest pain wasn't surprising, as sense I found out all the drama about my apartment I have been very stressed and have had continuous chest pain.  I was on anxiety meds for a year before I got pregnant.  Since I have gotten off of them I have more tachycardic attacks, as I call them.
      Since it is Saturday, and I had sworn to myself to take no meds that were not prescribed I woke up and decided just to deal with the pain.  However, by about 2 it was just way too much to bare.  I decided to try some TUMS, after much research about their safety, and took 2.  My pain started to ease up.  But I still had bad gas pain trapped in my lower back.  I asked hubby to buy me some gas-x and tylenol, because those are suppose to be safe as well.  So, while he went to Wally World, I decided to try the exercise of the week my prego book advises.  That helped to move the gas around!  Helped loads. :)  I didn't take the tylenol, but did take one gas-x and I feel almost 100% better!  (I know this may be way too much info, but I know I'll laugh at it one day. ;) ) 
     Also, I've been trying get ready for school this year, but it is so hard to concentrate.  I'm pretty excited about the school year though.  I work with some great girls, and can't wait to have loads of laughs.  I'm also a pinterest addict, so when I have some projects worthy of taking pictures of (both baby, school, house, or whatever) I'll post pics! :)

    I try very hard to stay positive about this pregnancy, but I do get very nervous.  I have decided to avoid the boards online concerning uterine didelphys, because they are scary.  I've decided to put my faith in God, and know that everything is in his timing.  He has blessed me so much in my life, and I know he will not put anything on my shoulders that I cannot handle.  Remember, everything happens for a reason. 

"When you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly." - Patrick Overton

Friday, July 20, 2012

Apartment and Queso Woes. :(

Okay, so on Wednesday I had my first appointment with the OB nurse, everything was fine and normal.  I go back August 8th for my first ultrasound with my doctor! So excited!

 After that however, things outside of baby decided to make everything more complicated!  I talk to the horrid people who run my apartment complex, and there is no way out of my lease until March.  I am due in March. Wonderful. So I asked if, since I'm prego and high risk, there would be anyway that we could move into a downstairs apartment.  The girl on the phone literally laughed at me. SERIOUSLY?  Soo NOT in the mood for that!  I have prego hormones out the wazoo. So, unfortunately, there will be no putting together of a baby nursery until after the baby is born.  I try to take a positive outlook and figure I can hold off on buying a crib and crib set until after the baby is born.  Or maybe I'll buy it and just not set it up.

Oh did I mention how that 100 degree afternoon when I had gotten home from the doctor that my lock was jammed, my key would not work, and NO ONE could come help me for like an hour.  Fortunately the hubby got home early that day.  They said they'd fix my lock.  They still haven't. 3 days later.  They are suppose to today, after it ONCE AGAIN happened to me.  We'll see.

AND they have been tearing down the walls to the apartments underneath ours for a week and rebuilding them, because they are rotten.  Do you know what that means?   That means the walls outside my apartment are more than likely also rotten.  Oh, and I no longer have a patio, because they tore that down too.  You know how I found that out?  My maintenance man walked into my apartment FROM MY 2ND STORY BALCONY.  No knocking. Nothing.  Just walked on in.  And No, that is NOT the first time he has let himself into my apartment.  He is a creepy stalkerish guy. 

Needless to say I HATE my apartment complex.  It wouldn't be so bad, but the people are so rude!

BUTTT, I've decided to take a positive outlook on everything.  I will be as super cautious as ever, but I am going to attempt not to worry myself crazy.  On that note, do be careful where you eat Queso dip! My favoriteeeeeeeee Mexican restaurant has amazing Queso, so I called today to find out if it is made from pasteurized milk.  It wasn't.  I was very sad for half a minute.  The worst part of this is that, of course, I have been craving Queso since day 1.  My friend and I were going to go eat there with her month and a half old baby, but we went to Outlaw's barbeque instead.  Another of my favorites.  Delicious. Amazing. :)  It's so nice to have a friend who just went through pregnancy to ask all kinds of questions to.   I should have taken a picture of her lovely baby, but I was too busy admiring her to think about it. :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

5 Weeks Officially! :)

     Wow! Today has been QUITE  a day.  I woke up with a horrible pain in my kidney, and because I only have one kidney I freaked out.  Unfortunately Jeremy had my insurance card in his wallet, and I couldn't go to urgent  care without it.  So after much back and forth he finally got to leave work and come with me to urgent care.  There they ran some tests to find I had a uti, and gave me an iv (for the light-headedness I've been having since finding out I was pregnant) and antibiotics in the iv.  She then proceeded to complete freak me out, because when she pressed down on my left side it was very tender.  She ordered some scans for me to have done at the local outpatient center.  I then waited for 2 hours to get back there. Once I got back there I found out that I am 5 weeks pregnant in my right uterus! The gestational sack is right at the size it should be.  I do have tiny cysts on my left ovary, which is why my left side was tender.  I go to see the OB nurse tomorrow, and I am so excited about this pregnancy!  At least some of my fears can be laid to rest.  Will keep ya posted! :)

Monday, July 16, 2012

     In the past 1 year and 38 days I have went on a first date with the love of my life, graduated college, got married, started a teaching career, and am now pregnant with my first child! Wow! It has been one crazy overwhelming year.  So now I'm going to share my journey so that all of my family and friends and anyone else out there can keep in the loop. :)  I go to my first doctors appointment on Wednesday, in two days!  I am really really nervous. 
     I have been diagnosed with Uterine Didelphys, which basically means I have two uteruses, or as my sister refers to them my uteri. I also have two cervixes.  My uteruses are slightly smaller than the average uterus so I have an enhanced risk for pre-term labor.  I wanted to create this blog partially for those out there going through this same kind of thing. When I was diagnosed I was terrified I wouldn't be able to have a baby, and now that this unexpected little miracle has been conceived, I am incredibly nervous. 
      In terms of anyone with a regular pregnancy there are soo many things you can't do!  I never even imagined.  My little miracle was unexpected, but I am sooo incredibly excited, and terrified of doing something to mess it up.  Here is a  list of the following things I had no idea you couldn't do or eat while pregnant:

1. Eat deli meat.  Goodbye Subway. :(
2. Eat queso from Mexican restaurants.  Goodbye El Parian. :(
3. Drink Caffeine.  Okay technically you can do this in small amounts, but I'm not taking any chances.
4.  Take long hot showers, or baths.  eek!
5. Sit a computer on your lap... again not proven... but no risks.
6. Have unprotected sex--- okay this just applies to those of us with Uterine Didelphys, but still! Isn't that suppose to be one of the positives of pregnancy?

     But none of that matters. Not even a little bit.  Because this little baby in my tummy has become my whole life and heart already.  Everything I do for the rest of my life will be for my baby.