So today I woke up with awful pain all down the left side of my body, and an acid feeling in my stomach. Because I also have tachycardia and mitralvalve prolapse the chest pain wasn't surprising, as sense I found out all the drama about my apartment I have been very stressed and have had continuous chest pain. I was on anxiety meds for a year before I got pregnant. Since I have gotten off of them I have more tachycardic attacks, as I call them.
Since it is Saturday, and I had sworn to myself to take no meds that were not prescribed I woke up and decided just to deal with the pain. However, by about 2 it was just way too much to bare. I decided to try some TUMS, after much research about their safety, and took 2. My pain started to ease up. But I still had bad gas pain trapped in my lower back. I asked hubby to buy me some gas-x and tylenol, because those are suppose to be safe as well. So, while he went to Wally World, I decided to try the exercise of the week my prego book advises. That helped to move the gas around! Helped loads. :) I didn't take the tylenol, but did take one gas-x and I feel almost 100% better! (I know this may be way too much info, but I know I'll laugh at it one day. ;) )
Also, I've been trying get ready for school this year, but it is so hard to concentrate. I'm pretty excited about the school year though. I work with some great girls, and can't wait to have loads of laughs. I'm also a pinterest addict, so when I have some projects worthy of taking pictures of (both baby, school, house, or whatever) I'll post pics! :)
I try very hard to stay positive about this pregnancy, but I do get very nervous. I have decided to avoid the boards online concerning uterine didelphys, because they are scary. I've decided to put my faith in God, and know that everything is in his timing. He has blessed me so much in my life, and I know he will not put anything on my shoulders that I cannot handle. Remember, everything happens for a reason.
you come to the edge of all the light you know, and are about to step off into
the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There
will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly." - Patrick Overton
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