Our Sweet Baby

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Sunday, September 9, 2012

12 Weeks 6 Days :)

How far along? 12 Weeks 6 Days

Total weight gain/loss: not really sure

Sleep:horribly last night, but otherwise okay. Bad anxiety attack at 4:30 this morning. Didn't get back to sleep till 6ish.

Interesting Dreams- My sister dreamed it was a girl, and I dreamed it was a girl, but the ultrasound looked like a boy, but it was too early to tell. ahhh. 

Best moment this week: Starting to get my energy back! So exciting. :) andddddddd My new little cousin Grayson Vaughn Jett was born! andddddd The weather is cooling down! :)

Worst moment this week: anxiety attack at 4:30 in the morning pretty much blows.

Movement: I can't feel it, but I saw my little toot on the ultrasound last week and it was just jumping all over the place and kicking it's little feet. :)

Symptoms: Cravings, Big ol' boobies, poochy little belly,  and ooooh have I had mood swings!

 Food cravings: Taco Bell.Pickles (sometimes) and I want some caffeine soooooooooooooo bad, but I've stayed strong to keep my little baby safe. :)
Food aversions: umm I've been having less and less of those.
Gender Prediction: ohhhhhh I dunoooooo. I get so confused. lol

Labor Signs:none

Belly Button in/ out: iin---- but I honestly already see it working it's way out.

What I miss: caffeine. so so much. and being able to wear anything in my closet. that was nice. lol

What I am looking forward to: my baby being here safe and sound in my arms. and Halloween. I have no exciting plans, but I just love holidays. :)

Weekly Wisdom: Pray always.
Milestones: Wellll since this is technically my 13 week update- tomorrow I make it to my 2nd trimester! :)

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